Friday 17 December 2010

Changing the build.prop on a X5A-G

The following procedure will make Skype work on a X5A-G, make sure that the unit is using the screen space properly (no more big icons) and possibly make it a bit smoother.

Make sure you are rooted, and that adb recognises the device.

Type the following to download the build.prop file to your harddrive:
 adb -d pull /system/build.prop  

Open the build.prop file with a text editor and set the following properties as follows:


And add the following line at the end

Save it, and type the following to send the file back to the device.
 adb -d remount  
 adb -d push build.prop /system/build.prop  
 adb -d reboot  

If you get any error messages after the "adb -d remount" line, then you do not have root...

Edit: fixed missing '=' sign in the 'dalvik.vm.execution-mode=int:fast' line...

Thursday 16 December 2010

HSG X5A and ADB Drivers

Similar to the previous posts about the Desire Z and Android devices in general, the lines you need to follow the following procedure to get a HSG X5A (which  is actually a decent device which can playback full HD with no problems):

1. Make sure you have updated the SDK and the USB driver to the latest version.
2. Open the android_winusb.inf file (located under the android-sdk-windows\usb_driver directory) using a text editor. I personally prefer Notepad++.
3. Add the following lines under the [Google.NTx86] and [Google.NTamd64] sections:
%SingleAdbInterface%        = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED
%CompositeAdbInterface%     = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_DEED&MI_01
4. Save the file
5. Try to install the driver again.

This might work with other HSG tablets (or their rebrands).