This is a Windows-centric post, but it should be fairly straight-forward
to make this work in Linux/MacOS by porting the script file and
downloading the platform-correct version of JD-GUI.
Why do it
How to use this
I'm certain that there are other, probably more efficient ways to do this but this suits my purposes (for now).
Why do it
- You are curious to see how an application does what it does by reading its code.
- You want to make sure that your application is properly obfuscated before making it public (i.e. you don't want people doing #1 and/or ProGuard is giving you grief).
- dex2jar: This converts the bytecode from Dalvik's .dex format to the more standard .class format
- JD-GUI: This will decompile and display the code.
- A batch file to glue everything together (see below).
- Create a directory and name it something appropriate (for example apk-decompile).
- Download and extract dex2jar and JD-GUI in the directory you created.
- Make sure you rename the folders to match the file structure below:
- Create a new text file in the root directory (apk-decompile in our example) and name it "go.bat".
- Open it in notepad and paste the following:
echo off REM Make sure we are working off the local directory. set _=%~dp0 chdir /d "%_%" echo Working directory is: "%_%" IF "%~1"=="" GOTO BAD_SYNTAX echo Converting dex to jar: call dex2jar\dex2jar %1 echo. echo Opening Class Viewer: start "" jd-gui\jd-gui.exe %1.dex2jar.jar echo. echo DONT CLOSE THIS DIALOGUE UNTIL YOU'VE FINSHED CHECKING THE FILE AS IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE DELETED. pause del %1.dex2jar.jar exit 0 :BAD_SYNTAX echo Error! Incorrect syntax. echo The correct syntax is: echo %0 ^<path_to_apk^>; pause exit 1
How to use this
- You can either use the command line and type the following: go.bat <path_to_apk>
- You can drag and drop an apk file onto go.bat.
I'm certain that there are other, probably more efficient ways to do this but this suits my purposes (for now).